Music released as RPLKTR you can find on streaming services.

What Happens Next Only Depends On The State Of Affairs Now
Like a fading polaroid, memories are comforting lies we tell ourselves of an idealized past that never was. This album brings together some selected works created between 2016 and early 2024 that touch on this sentimentalism. Its retrofuturistic sound references the ‘80s, but doesn’t attempt to replicate that era exactly.

Main Menu
This piece could easily belong in a ‘90s-style video game. In fact, the structure of “Main Menu” was specifically chosen with this use in mind. The tune was composed on the Dirtywave M8 Tracker, another vintage-inspired piece of tech. The B side is a remaster from my back catalog, a pair of analog Moog synthesizers dismantled and reassembled digitally with chiptune-like loop glitches.

Places: FM Ambient
This EP uses Polyend Medusa’s digital FM synth engine to channel a unique combination of nostalgia, yearning, and calm focus. Featuring a single synthesizer, “Places” presents a variety of sounds that aim to be neither retro nor futuristic. Instead, it hopes to present itself as timeless: an artifact from a gap year when the world stood still.

Late Night Coding
A subdued single heralding an ambient EP produced entirely using a single hardware digital FM synthesizer, the Polyend Medusa. The B side is a remaster from my back catalog.

Released back in 2015 under Łukasz Langa’s given name, “recall” is spiritually the beginning of the RPLKTR project. It’s a carefully crafted ambient soundscape that rewards attention but does not require it.